My turn
kyung jung
Frankly, I had never used my big camera to take my boys' pictures until very recently. I had done it few times when they had big events at school - I would take my long lens and big camera to photograph the event.
When they were young, they hated when Mom took her big camera out because that meant it was time for her to leave and go to work. And for many years, they showed no interest in being photographed by their mom. It was also hard for me to pick up the camera and “work” with my own children because the time I have with them is limited to when I am not supposed to work. I also never take the big camera when we travel because I want to live in the moment instead of capturing what I see through a lens. Luckily, my phone comes in handy dandy to capture those precious memories.
We have done family portraits by wonderful photographers for last ten years, so the documentation of our family has been well kept. But it was this year, when they went from playing with Legos and watching the Magic School Bus to finding their passion for their instruments when I realized I needed to capture an image of them myself.
As a mother, watching your kids doing something that they love is so rewarding. As a musician (I play piano^^), listening to your children playing their instruments is pure joy. As a photographer, capturing their passion and love is the undeniable mission.
Last summer, when they auditioned for youth orchestra, I made up my mind to finally pick up my camera to work with them. So one evening, I brought my boys to the studio, and we had a blast playing music and taking pictures. I wanted to share the result with the world. Now I feel that motherly pride first hand –it was one of the most rewarding "WORKS" I have ever done.